Tuesday, December 28, 2010

NyQuil Coma

Bleech.  It's just a fleshwound headcold, but it wipes me out like nothing else.  Fighting to stay awake at work, but really just want to be home in a nice nyquil-induced healing sleep.  With my jammies and my kitteh.  *sniffles

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here! Play wif DIS!


ps The Weepies make AWESOME music...check 'em out after you're done shaking up their world!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Return of the Goddess

Loreena McKennit is truly The Goddess of Celtic Music.  Her new album returns us to her roots.  Her voice is as haunting as always and the title track especially brings shivers to the skin... 

BTW, If you don't have her Christmas album, To Drive the Cold Winter Away , I highly recommend it; It never fails, that when I listen to it, I have tears in my eyes by the time the whispers of the final track fade away...it's just that beautiful:

Off the BAAA!

Okay, I'm admitting it...I have a recent and fierce addiction to Shaun the Sheep.  I know he's been around for a while now.  And yes, I started collecting sheep a number of years back (I blame/love a particularly nice German lady for this), but I never took the time to check out Shaun and his antics.

Then for my birthday in October, Carla got me the collection "Little Sheep of Horrors" and it made me unspeakably happy.  This week, I've acquired the "Off the Baa" collection as well.

I must gather all the Shaun I can.  He is funny and cute and sassy and BAAAAAAAA!

So far, favorite episodes:

"Little Sheep of Horrors"
"Things that Go Bump"
"Timmy in a Tizzy"

Thursday, December 9, 2010